Page 5 - Company Profile
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Strength Flexibility
The strength of Turners Conferences can be Our range of services is so comprehensive that we
attributed to the quality and experience of the have found some of our clients prefer to utilise only
members of the team. Most of our personnel have a portion of them. We therefore offer a modular
been with us since inception and their wealth package where you can choose what you want
of knowledge of the products and industry and us to assist you with and what you prefer to do
dedication to the client enhances any event. yourself.
Turners Conferences work on a project Whether you take our one stop shop service or
management basis with an overall event co- individual module facility, you can be assured
ordinator who has a number of project managers of the same quality service and dedication to
reporting to him/her. This formula has proved providing a professional solution.
successful and we find that specialists in crucial
areas are vital to the overall success.
As part of The Turner Group we are able to call on
the expertise of our colleagues broadening, and
giving strength to our scope of services.
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